Wednesday 2 November 2011

Never Die Alone in the Zombie Apocalypse

What is one to do when the world is overrun by mindless zombies intent on eating you? Kill them all, of course. Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone brings a new wrinkle to the dual stick shooter by including leveling up, multiple characters, individual character tricks, zombie types, shopping for weapons upgrades and more.
You play one of four characters as a group that attempts to escape the zombie-filled world of Halfaux Island. Even in single-player mode, you will want to switch between the characters as they all have different weapons, and different abilities. If you kill enough zombies, your Pwnage Ability can be used which renders you invincible for a limited time and can deliver some serious damage to opponents. Or break out the Zombie Bait, which can call zombies to you and then destroy them (much more evil … or wait, if we’re fighting zombies, I guess that’s much more good. Whatever.) The challenge is in using each of these characters, and their abilities, in tactical ways to destroy all the zombies and the occasional boss.
Your main all-around character is Jeremy, the snarky gamer who can deliver quad damage with his Pwnage ability. He’s based on the Jeremy character from the Internet series Pure Pwnage. Alma is the engineer who can build a turret with her special ability (though it takes just a little bit to setup). Her main weapon is a laser rifle. Father Bill carries a shotgun that knocks back the zombies, and he can use his ability to heal and deal damage at the same time (handy). And Def Money is the British rapper who wields a cricket bat as his melee weapon and fires dual pistols in the game. His Zombie Bait is a boombox which gets the undead to dancing … until they die.
Quirky Humor
The style of humor that marks the characters is present throughout the game. For instance, in the second level you can take advantage of a gigantic swinging concrete donut to crush zombies. It’s even one of the level's special bonus challenges. And yet another example is with the survivors that you encounter throughout the levels. In order to get them to listen to you, you have to press the A button to, literally, slap some sense into them.
There are some things to note when playing the game. You can play single player, but that’s tough. It’s far better to hook up with friends and play the character that best matches your gaming style. Since each character is good at certain things, either switch between characters in single player mode or assign tasks to each character when playing with friends. Don’t get lazy and concentrate on a single character! Father Bill may not be the most exciting offensive weapon but he’s brilliant when it comes to healing the party (think the Cleric class in old school D&D).
If a zombie manages to get to you, hit the A button to break his grasp. If you get damaged, pick up the blue health packs to get back to full health. If one of your compatriots falls prey to the killer zombie, you have a chance to perform CPR on them. Approach them and spam the A button to begin CPR. They’ll pop up soon enough and be ready to lay some lead on the zombie horde.
It’s better to avoid the zombies entirely by using your weapons and moving your crew around judiciously. I like to send one character forward inch by inch in order to trigger the zombie attacks. If you get overwhelmed, use your melee weapon (press B) to knock back the horde.
Picking up stuff is always a good idea. Grab cash and zombie bait (your bait numbers are limited) at every opportunity. That cash will come in handy at level end when you can use it to acquire weapons and speed upgrades for your character, effectively causing you to go up in levels. And it should be noted that the cash disappears after a short time, so pick it up quickly.
Game Modes
The Story Mode is the default. Defeat that in single player and you’ll access Survival: Classic (endless waves) and Survival: Blackout (endless waves with only a light highlighting the player – what, the game isn’t difficult enough for you already?). Multiplayer modes include Pure Pwnage and Prequel: Day 56 and of course, the Story Mode which involves an achievement (Epic Run: Complete a Story Mode: New Game with 3 other players for 30 points.)
This game is built for multiplayer run-and-gun shooter addicts who adore classics like Gauntlet. Got that kind of moxie? Then try out the demo for Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone and rid Halfaux Island of those pesky undead!

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