Tuesday 1 November 2011

Battle an Alien Invasion in The War of the Worlds

The classic sci-fi novel by H.G. Wells comes to life in this stylish 2-D platformer. London is under alien attack, and it's up to you to save the day! The War of the Worlds sends you on a journey through challenging and varied levels, from London to an alien spaceship, in a quest to get to your family before the aliens do.

The game features a striking art design, reminiscent of LIMBO, with narration by the legendary Patrick Stewart. The protagonist, Arthur Clark, is rendered in a retro rotoscope style, and he has to roll, run, jump and climb his way through each large and challenging level while dodging constant alien attacks.
 More than anything else, the game reminded me of the original 16-bit classic Prince of Persia. Just like the prince, Arthur dies in gruesome and multiple ways at the slightest misstep. The character's movements are very deliberate and methodical – Sonic the Hedgehog this guy's not.

The cautious movements of Arthur can get frustrating pretty easily, as the action gets pretty frantic and you need absolute precision to keep from being blown to pieces by alien attacks. Although the levels have checkpoints they're few and far between – there's no way to avoid replaying some sections over and over again (accompanied by the same narration) on some of the more challenging areas.

Looking at the achievement list, I see there's one for playing through the entire game without dying once. Holy cow, that has to be one of the most difficult ways to get 50 gamerscore that I've ever heard of.
Overall the design and presentation of the game are top-notch, with a suitably epic background score and the aforementioned narration from the iconic Patrick Stewart. Dealing with the deliberate pace of Arthur can be somewhat exasperating, but if you're up for a challenge The War of the Worlds is an atmospheric platformer that will test your mettle.

import from: http://forums.xbox.com/xbox_forums/b/community_blog/archive/2011/11/01/battle-an-alien-invasion-in-the-war-of-the-worlds.aspx

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