Monday 7 November 2011

Into the Breach with Dungeon Defenders

A cartoonish look and feel belies the very deep and complex game of Dungeon Defenders, which is a heady mix of role-playing game and the tower defense genre. The story has you protecting one or more Eternia Crystals from a legion of horrible creatures. Kill them all and make sure the crystal survives.
Dungeon Defenders is a combination action RPG/tower defense game that is a gem to play via four-player co-op locally or over Xbox LIVE. The game provides four different hero classes each with unique abilities and unique defense towers: Apprentice, Squire, Huntress and Monk. You can even change your Hero during the Build Phase in order to take advantage of the different heroes’ abilities. You can also play with four difficulty levels but frankly, the Medium level is more than difficult enough for me.
Build PhaseIf you’ve never played a tower defense game, be sure to take the full tutorial as there’s quite a bit to assimilate. In the Campaign levels, the game consists of two phases: the Build Phase and the Combat Phase. You stand in a level of the dungeon near the Eternia Crystal that you must protect. Use your existing mana to create various defensive installations around the map that will help to destroy enemies. This part is tricky because the maps are designed so that enemies have multiple ways to get at the crystal and you have a limited amount of mana (when enemies are destroyed they drop more mana so be sure to pick it up), and a limited number of defensive units you can build.
Check your map with the Left Bumper to scout out chokepoints for your installations, and to investigate the “Creep Doors.” These tell you how many and what kind of enemies are going to come through those doors. This is important so you don’t waste mana putting down a defense if only one guy is going to get near it. Concentrate your defensive firepower against the enemies’ offensive firepower.
Combat PhaseThe Combat Phase features waves of enemies. Some are quite easy to defeat. Set up your defenses, patrol the boundaries to make sure nothing has broken, and gloat in your heroics. But some enemies are immune to things like poison, fire, and lightning. Certain defenses will not work against them, so you must choose your defenses wisely. Pay attention to what enemies are attacking. Wyverns can fly so they’re going to soar right over your little barricades; throw up a harpoon gun to get at least a shot on them. Watching the battle via the map is also helpful. You can see where the enemies are attacking and if they’re dying off or if they have found a way around your defense.
If you’re not quick enough to repair your defenses, they’ll break and the horde will stream through. That’s when you can take matters into your own hands and start laying about with your chosen weapon (remember to block as some enemies do vicious damage, and pick up that mana fallen enemies leave behind; you’ll need it to create, upgrade, or repair defenses as you go). Thankfully, both you and the crystal heal in between waves, and if you die, you do respawn, but it’s still impossible to just go all Rambo on the baddies. Let the defenses do the work.
Leveling UpAs you progress in the game, your hero will level up. You can upgrade your hero’s powers, including Health, Damage, Speed and Casting Rate, hero’s special attack abilities, the Tower abilities including Health, Base Damage, Area of Effect and Attack Rate, and your Resistance levels to Damage, Fire Damage, Lightning Damage, and Poison Damage.
Also make sure you’re sporting the best equipment. You have five equipment slots and can gain better weapons and armor by raiding the treasure chests on the levels between waves (and by purchasing items back at the tavern). The inventory system is fairly clever. When you approach an item, you’ll see a green thumbs up if the item is better than what you’re currently wearing. A red thumbs down indicates your current attire is more powerful. Items can also be locked so that you can keep them in your inventory for future use. Items can even be locked in the tavern shop so you can purchase them at a later point when you have more mana.
The TavernAh, the tavern. Who wouldn’t need a tankard of ale after crushing one’s enemies? Here you can shop, sell the equipment you no longer need, look at trophies you’ve won and plan for the next adventure. The Tavern Keeper sells pets, weapons, and armor and can perform certain services such as changing your name or giving you an experience point boost.
The Tavern is kind of the game’s main menu. You can choose to continue the Campaign from here or take on some of the seriously difficult challenges in Challenge Mode. (Watch it, the first available challenge is recommended for heroes at level 40 or above!)
Man, There’s a Lot MoreSo, we haven’t even discussed pet collecting or item creation, or even the possibilities of co-op play. Gamers seem to love co-op and this is a perfect title for you and up to three of your friends to enjoy. Give each other responsibilities, mix and match hero types, and take on the evil masses. Some of the levels can get pretty big and hairy, so having friends around to take some of the brunt will be helpful.
There are other game modes as well, including Survival Mode where you face infinite waves, Mix Mode where waves of random enemies attack, and Pure Strategy where your hero cannot attack (traditional tower defense-style gameplay).
Whew! This is already a long blogpost and I don’t think I covered it all. There is a LOT to do in this game, from the long list of Accomplishments you can find in the Tavern, to going back and mastering each campaign level with better strategies and a more powerful hero, to going through all the levels with your friends to get an achievement. We haven’t seen a game this full of action/RPG and strategy elements in some time. From the loot and inventory system to combat to the building system to the list of things to strive for, Trendy Entertainment has nailed every single mechanic and made it fun.
Dungeon Defenders debuts on Xbox LIVE Marketplace October 19 for 1200 Microsoft Points. Get the demo and give it a try!

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